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7 Ways to Improve Your Media Management

How do you improve your social media management skills? If you are a member of a company or organization, no doubt you know that the most vital tool in your arsenal is your media. Whether it’s a blog, a Facebook page or an official Twitter account, your social media management skills depend on your ability to plan, direct, and encourage your followers. Let’s take a look at 7 ways to improve your social media management skills!

Use Your Media Responsibly

Just as you would with any other tool, social media management requires you to think about how you will be using it. Will you be using it for business purposes only, or will you be including your personal life in it as well? Will you be using email, texting, posting on your blog, and so forth? Only use your media for its primary purpose – connecting with your customers.

Be Thoughtful About Who You Share Your Media With

The people who have the most influence on your social media management efforts are those whom you identify with. If you care about your readers, share their interests with them. If you care about the industry they work in, share some information about that industry with them. When you give thoughtful attention to those with whom you identify, you will find that your overall social media management strategy will be more effective.

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Don’t Clutter Your Media With Unrelated Posts

This is one mistake many new media users make. Instead of including a “Like” button, for example, which encourages viewers to like your page, simply include links to your website, your blog, and so forth. This not only makes your social media management efforts less effective; it can also clutter your page with far too many links, which can make your page difficult to navigate.

Learn How to Use Multimedia well

Multimedia is important because it helps build your brand. It shows you’re an interesting person and that you care about other people’s interests. Media can include photos, audio clips, video, and so forth. It can include animations, graphics, text, and so forth. Make sure to use multimedia on your media profiles to help build your brand.

Make Your Media “sticky.”

If someone likes or comments on an image you posted, make sure to let them know. For social media management purposes, this means scheduling and posting your images or videos at least a couple of times per week. You may also want to schedule your blog posts in advance to ensure that they get seen regularly.

Know Your Audience

Even if you’re marketing to your co-workers, friends, and family, your audience can be different from everyone else’s. For instance, your friends might be more interested in engaging in witty banter on social media than in a serious discussion about your product or service. Use your audience to your advantage. Think about their age, gender, interests, and so forth. By knowing who you’re marketing to before you start your social media management efforts, you can focus your efforts on the right groups.

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Have Fun

Even though your social media management efforts are for your business, you should still have some fun. In addition to making your business better by meeting the needs of your target audience, you should also enjoy what you do. After all, this is social media, not a work day. You’ll feel happier and have more fun when you focus your efforts on developing your business and interacting with your clients.

Keep connections between customers and media channels. Build customer loyalty by encouraging existing customers to talk to their friends and customers online. On your social media sites, encourage them to post comments and suggestions – even criticisms – that can help your business grow.

Work With Others

Social media management is a collaborative effort, not a solo effort. When managing your online media accounts, engage in discussions with other business owners to help coordinate your efforts. This helps you stay on track and shows others that you care about a cohesive team effort.

understand that media management requires consistent effort. Although social media might seem easy, it requires constant attention to keep things running smoothly. Media accounts can go slow at times, so if your staff isn’t pulling their weight, don’t blame them. Instead, give them extra work to do, such as answering phone calls or Emails. They’ll appreciate the extra help and thank you for it later.

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