How To

5 Common Occupational Diseases

Occupational diseases are caused by exposure to dangerous materials or chemicals at work. These conditions can range from minor irritations to fatal diseases such as mesothelioma, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The most common conditions are listed below. They are all types of physical problems that can affect the body.

Ear Infection or Ear Wax Blockage

Ear infection or ear wax blockage is common in the summertime. This can be caused by prolonged sitting or excessive sweating brought on by hot weather. It can also be caused by dust and airborne debris that can get into your ears through the exhaust system of vehicles. Ear infections can be difficult to treat and can even result in hearing loss.

laryngeal Bronchitis

Shortness of breath is a symptom of bronchial or laryngeal bronchitis. It typically occurs in the evenings, right after you’ve finished working. This is a common condition that causes a hard time breathing and can make it difficult to talk or to take part in work-related tasks.

Rust is caused when iron and oxygen interact. Rust is known for its red, crusty appearance. Rusting occurs inside of a piece of metal and often results in tiny holes or dents. Rust can appear anywhere, though most often it appears on tools or machinery. You will know if you have Rust because it tends to chip off easily.


Alzheimer’s Disease

Dizziness during the day or feeling foggy or disoriented is often the first sign of Alzheimer’s disease. People with this condition often forget things very quickly, sometimes forgetting several days of the week. If this happens to you, don’t be alarmed. Oftentimes, it takes months or even years before symptoms appear.


Shaky, ringing ears can signal possible hearing loss. Loud noise often results in tinnitus. Some people develop their own version of tinnitus as well. It can also result from overexposure to loud noises over many years. This symptom can be mild, moderate, or severe.

Shortness of breath is a symptom of bronchitis. Bronchitis is a very common respiratory illness that usually affects smokers and people with weak immune systems. Shortness of breath is often associated with coughing. Coughing usually clears the airways, but bronchitis can lead to inflammation, which makes it difficult to breathe.

Avoid Diseases

These are just a few of the symptoms, you should be aware of if you think you might be working in an environment where these 5 common occupational diseases are present. It’s important to report your symptoms to your supervisor or human resources department immediately. They can help provide the needed information to your doctor. Your health is important at work. It may not always be easy to avoid diseases such as these, but protecting yourself with the right information and precautions is definitely better than suffering from the consequences. The internet is a great resource for learning more about your particular workplace and preventing illness.

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prevented through regular check-ups

Many of these infections can be prevented through regular check-ups. Daily physical exams are essential for the health of your lungs, stomach and waistline. Health experts recommend exercise as a way to avoid these diseases. Keeping physically active can reduce stress and anxiety which, in turn, can reduce the risk of certain diseases. Of course, quitting smoking and using other tobacco products is a major part of this campaign.

Muscle Spasms

The risks of some diseases are highest during the cold season. Exposure to excessive heat or cold can cause a number of medical issues. These issues include flu-like symptoms, like headaches and nausea. Other illnesses include muscle fatigue, muscle spasms and swelling. To prevent these from occurring, make sure your workstations are well-lit and warm.

If you do not have a family member who works in an office environment, you may be at increased risk of developing these conditions. For instance, it’s more likely to develop diabetes if you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or computer. Working at home also increases your risk of these complications.

Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables

To reduce your risk of developing any of these conditions, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and keep your immune system strong. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and get plenty of sleep. If you’re unable to work at an office due to illness, try setting up a temporary job. Working outside of your home can be just as dangerous.

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