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The new year 2020 has just begun and with it we are closing a decade that is quite good for social networks and social media marketing . Fortunately this is just the beginning and, to celebrate it, at The Social Media Family we have produced an article where we explain what trends in social networks will surprise us in 2020 .

As we have been noticing over the years, social networks are not static, but just as their users evolve as their needs change in the modern world. In general, we can say that in 2020 a great step will be taken towards the unification of the web experience, where ecommerce , content marketing and social media appear simultaneously on the screen of users. New social networks, new forms of interactive content and improved applications with artificial intelligence are just some of the trends with which 2020 surprises the world of social networks and Community Managers .


The content video is still trend for 2020 and will probably be for the next 15 years . In fact, according to the Cisco portal , 80% of the content published by 2021 will be in the form of videos and the rise of Tik-Tok is proof of this.

While other social media work with varied multimedia content , Tik-Tok focuses mainly on videos … and not of any kind: duration between 15 and 60 seconds with the possibility of being edited and personalized thanks to an almost infinite repertoire of filters, constantly updated musical templates and backgrounds.

Furthermore, these characteristics, together with its almost 800 million active users (Source: We are Social), have made Tik-Tok the ideal platform for social commerce , especially geared towards millennials and the Z generation. For this reason, the network Social has implemented the use of tools such as hashtag challenges, Biddable Ads and branding to advertise on its platform. Some recognized brands have shown the benefits and versatility of this platform, such as the example of the Guess company , one of the first to implement a hashtag challenge. with brand appropriation called #InMyDenim, where each user, when accessing the application, was redirected to the proposed challenge.



The influencer’s guild has become part of a group of celebrities who raise their voices through social media and mainstream platforms . Thanks to its viralization, a large amount of information can now be quickly and effectively disseminated to the population, which has caused various institutions and recognized brands to start using influencers as the public image of their ideas or products .

The principle behind influencer marketing is the friendly and close image they offer their followers, which at the end of the day translates into greater confidence. Likewise, thanks to the different tools offered by social networks , such as short-term publications, posts and filters, it has been possible to sell consumers stories with which they really connect.

However, not everything is pink and already in some countries cases of covert advertising are beginning to emerge , where through publications on social networks they try to sell products or services subliminally. In Spain, the regulations require that advertisements be identified as such without any ambiguity; However, until now there seems to be a legal vacuum around influencers . It is expected that, based on the warnings made to Paulina Eriksson, although they did not generate legal consequences, they will begin to discuss legislation that more clearly defines the scope and limits of campaigns with influencers .

There is more and more evidence of the success of influencer campaigns and the internet is full of emblematic cases ( follow the link for some examples of successful influencers ). If you are looking for influencers for your digital marketing strategy, we give you some tips to choose correctly and achieve a successful campaign.


It’s no wonder that with the rise in popularity of social media and ecommerce, many brands have seen a golden opportunity to do business. Every day a lot of new digital stores are created and that in turn is modulating the way in which social media tries to attract new customers. According to statistics, by 2020 approximately 75.3% of businesses in the United States will be using Instagram to do ecommerce , and it is estimated that by 2040 95% of purchases will be made online .

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In this sense, we see how the Shoppable Posts have emerged , the most literal translation of which would be “ Shopping Publications ”, which have made it possible for users to access the products they want through a single click. Statistics show that those stores with a presence on social networks have 32% more sales than those that do not.

Likewise, sentiment analysis and Artificial Intelligence have made it possible to connect with users and display, within the same window of their preferred social network, a catalog of products for which they may be interested. But that’s not all, with the emergence of Instagram Checkout it is now even possible to manage payments within the same social network , which increases the confidence of users by not being redirected to a new site to make payment.


The interactive content is one of the newest forms of marketing in social networks , giving users a more dynamic way to interact with content and thus draw attention to websites and brands. Among the main forms of interactive content that have been introduced we have: 360 ° videos, Ads with augmented reality , questionnaires and surveys.

In addition, in 2020 ephemeral content will continue to increase, displacing more traditional posts. According to Mark Zuckerberg himself, users increasingly interact with ephemeral content, which in turn represents an advantage to generate content, since these publications are less elaborate and offer the possibility to connect with followers through what daily.

Taking into consideration that around 91% of users surf the web in search of more interactive content , a useful tool to connect websites with their consumers , not only for their innovation but also for the feeling of true connection with the brand.

In this sense, augmented reality has played a key role in connecting with many brands worldwide. The social network Snapchat (if you still do not use it, we advise you to download our tutorial ) was one of the first to implement filters with augmented reality and little by little these were becoming popular on other platforms such as Instagram and more recently Tik-Tok . Many films have used this approach to promote their premieres: for example, Jurassic Park 2 released a filter in which a dinosaur could be seen walking through recorded space. Most recently, the movie The Joker launched a filter that allowed users to wear the makeup of the famous clown to take photos and shoot videos.

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There is increasing evidence that addiction to social networks is a real disease and that in certain contexts social networks have been detrimental to mental health. This has meant a great impact for community management since, as a result, some proposals have been launched that could be detrimental to content marketing and social media marketing in general.

  • The first of these is the decree of the day of digital decontamination ( DigitalDetoxDay ) in which users disconnect from social networks and even uninstall apps as a measure to promote mental health.
  • The second is the elimination of the famous “ like ”, which has led to renewing the metric approaches with which we have been evaluating the presence on social networks. In fact, analyzing the comments and the number of times that a publication has been saved or shared has allowed us to truly assess the level of impact and fixation that our content has on users.


The new year has brought a large number of news for social networks , which means greater challenges for community management . This new concept of social networks means an important boost for social media marketing , which is projected as the most efficient strategy for the diffusion and promotion of brands in the future. If you want to take a look at the trends in digital marketing for 2020 you can look at the article that we have prepared for you.

At The Social Media Family we are experts in managing social networks and we have a team of experts fully trained to face all these challenges that 2020 brings. If you want to know more about our services as a digital marketing agency, click on the following link .

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