Digital Marketing

How to appear on Google News and publish your news

Publishing news on Google News is a good way to increase traffic to your website. For the news aggregator to consider you relevant, you must create original content and frequently following the principles of journalistic writing.

Would you like to increase web traffic to your page? We explain how to appear on Google News and publish your news. You don’t need to be a great media outlet to  get more clicks to your site from Google’s news channel .


Google News is a news aggregator that  searches for information published by online media all over the world . Every 15 minutes it updates to always show the latest.

It is available in more than 40 local versions and translated into their respective languages. The contents of the local editions are adapted to the readers of each country.

The Googlebot crawls the web to choose articles and news. Its system based on artificial intelligence  assesses the relevance of websites before selecting content . The news is chosen according to the frequency of the publications and the user can choose the channels of their preference.


Google understands as news any current and relevant information that refers to important events. That is, more or less the same as any other means of communication.

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It is not worth anything to appear in Google News , nor will you appear in other media if you do not have anything important to say.

However, if you have a leading company, if you are an expert in your sector or if you have interesting content for your audience, you are a candidate to appear in Google News.

Let’s see below  what steps to follow so that your news is indexed by the Google News crawler .


To generate web traffic through Google News you must take into account a series of guidelines so that your content is unique and relevant.

1. The Google News Publisher Center dashboard

The first step in publishing a news item is to access the Google News Publisher Center  and add the name of your organization. Next, add the accounts of those people who will be able to create content on Google News.

Under the Home tab   you can see all your posts. It is time to start creating. Click  Add Post , write the title of your news and press  Save . A draft will be created for you to start editing.

The title, description and content of the news must meet a series of requirements  related to syntax and grammar that we will see later.

In the editing screen you must add a  summary that describes the content of the news  because it will be easier to locate. Next, select the  category to which the news belongs , the language in which it is written, if you want it to be automatically translated and  where you want it to be distributed .

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The next step is crucial:  you must have your web address verified . Your posts must come from a verified domain. You can fulfill this requirement through Google Search Console .

Finally, in  Tracking  you have the possibility to  monitor the traffic of your content by connecting your publication with Google Analytics  or adding a tracking pixel.

2. The appearance of your publications

You can  create sections that display as tabs  in your post within Google News. You can also  add tags to help classify your content : opinion, press release, humor, etc.

In the Images  tab  you can  add a  square logo for your post. You can also include a rectangular logo to display with your content. Remember that the design must contain the full name of your publication.

Before submitting your post to Google News, check that it meets all the requirements. Once approved by Google, your post will be available in the news section .

How to write to appear in Google News

If you want your content are more likely to appear in Google News,  written according to the principles of the periodism or .

1. Objectivity

You must be objective, honest and transparent when dealing with a topic. Your text must be completely original, the  product of your research work . Use reliable sources for data and cite them.

2. Structure

The structure of the news is another aspect that you must take into account. It is advisable to  organize the content from the most important to the least relevant . A well-written news item responds to the 5W:

  • What (what?)
  • WHO who?)
  • How (how?)
  • When when?)
  • Where (where?)
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3. Author ranking

The author’s ranking is important  for Google to give it credibility . If you already write and sign articles for other media, the tracker will give you a higher reputation.

4. Title

The title should contain the word that best describes the content. In addition, it must  seduce the reader and create curiosity  without clickingbait. The best titles are  direct and concise .

5. Drafting

The newsroom uses the  active voice  (“Scientists discover a vaccine for the coronavirus”) because it is more direct and concise than the passive voice (“a vaccine for the coronavirus has been discovered by a group of scientists”).

Try to  eliminate redundancies, paraphrases, and unnecessary expressions . All this is filler that does not add anything.

6. News

Google News does not include tutorials, tips, weather forecasts and similar content. Faced with a blog, which has a vocation to generate content that remains,  Google News is a site with current affairs .

7. Frequency

If you want to appear on Google News to generate web traffic,  post news several times a day . It is convenient to have several authors generating content for your site.


Google News values ​​current, original, engaging, and prevalent content. The more interest your publications generate, the  more traffic will reach your website . Find a differential value that adds value to your news: your own style, your approach, your sources of information …

Have you considered the possibility of appearing in Google News? Now that you know how to achieve it, tell us what you think of this communication channel to increase your web traffic.

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