Digital Marketing

14 tips to increase conversion in e-commerce

A great challenge for e-commerce is to increase conversion and decrease abandonment of the shopping basket, generating more sales. Understand how to do it with 14 valuable tips!

Do you have a virtual store that receives a good number of visits, but still find it difficult to make sales?

On the bright side, attracting traffic is essential to successful e-commerce. So rejoice with that!

The problem is that after reaching your site, visitors need to be convinced that the products advertised on it are worth buying.

When that process is completed, what we call conversion happens, that is, the person stops being a simple visitor and becomes a customer.

Increasing the conversion in ecommerce is a goal that never ends, but there are several tactics for it (some that are worth using and others, not so much).

Do you want to know how to differentiate these tactics and learn some tricks that will increase your conversion rate without delay? So, let’s go!

Why follow good practices instead of spending a fortune on ads

As many entrepreneurs try to solve the low conversion problem by investing heavily in ads or doing liquidations, you can be sure that, as a long-term strategy, that’s a big catch!

In the end, it is impossible to have a successful business for a long time just using the solutions mentioned, since they increase the acquisition costs .

By doing this, it won’t take long for the store to start losing money instead of earning.

Fortunately, there is a better way to deal with this challenge:

Following good digital marketing practices has a great cost-benefit, since most of them can be implemented immediately, without involving high expenses.

These solutions work for a long time, lower acquisition costs and contribute to customer satisfaction, which is the first step in loyalty.

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14 tips to increase conversion in eCommerce

Since following good practices is the best way, there is nothing more fair than teaching you some of the main ones to increase conversion in  ecommerce .

I leave you 14 tips that will help you sell more and better without delay:

1. Use images, many images

Product images make all the difference in sharpening the desire and giving customers confidence that the product is quality.

Your store probably already has photos of the products, but that alone is not enough. First, it displays enough photos for the person to see the entire product.

Options like zoom, 360-degree view, or multi-angle photos are great, as are great, well-lit, high-quality photos.

2. Bet on short videos

In addition to photos, videos can be all that the most suspicious customer needs to see the subject as it really is and decide to make the purchase.

No need to make long videos, with comments or background music.

Simplicity is key. Even short productions of a few seconds are enough, if they show the element with quality.

3. Show feedback from other buyers

One of the most important criteria for online shopping today is the evaluations of other people who have already bought the same product.


This will be even more important if the brands you sell are poorly known to the general public.

Presenting evaluations, both positive and negative, of those who have already bought the same product is a way to pass security and transmit transparency to those interested.

Believe me:

This helps too much to increase the conversion.

4. Provides detailed product descriptions

Sites that only display the manufacturer’s description for each product miss out on an incredible opportunity to spark desire in prospective customers.

Persuasion is essential to increase conversion in ecommerce and that goes directly through the product description .

Be specific, but detail everything you can so that the person can clarify all the doubts they have.

Always think about the following:

Doubts generate fear. And people hardly buy with fear, especially online.

5. Create relevant content through a blog

The blog is one of the most powerful marketing resources that any company can have and is no different with ecommerce .

Read More:  Basic notions to optimize a blog

We have already talked a lot about this in other posts, but it is worth noting that, when creating relevant content through a blog , your e-commerce has benefits such as:

  • improvement in SEO, generating more traffic;
  • increased brand power;
  • increased engagement between readers and fans on social media;
  • greater power of influence over potential buyers.

Want more content production tips for eCommerce? Download the ebook:

6. Provides different delivery terms

How many times have you stopped buying something online for the price of the freight or for the delay to reach the desired place?

According to e-commerce Trends 2017, the high price of freight was pointed out as the main reason for abandoning the cart by 73.8% of consumers.

Whenever possible, it offers free freight, as well as options such as express delivery at competitive prices.

7. Optimize your site for mobile devices

Mobile devices are part of everyday life, and there is no point in creating shopping experiences that do not take them into account.

It is very common to use the smartphone or tablet to start a search and finish the purchase on another device, such as a laptop or desktop.

But if the initial search on your site is thwarted by a poor mobile experience, the visitor is going to look for a competitor that has a better service in that regard and will probably buy it later.

Whether creating a responsive site or investing in your own application, design your e-commerce to work with mobility.

8. Simplify the check out process

The ease of checking out is essential to determine how many purchases are going to be completed in your store. The more difficult and delayed the process, the more people will leave the cart and will never return.

Therefore, it simplifies the forms, presents the information clearly and shows the progress of the registration to encourage the client to continue.

9. Show security stamps on strategic pages

Security seals are very important to assure customers that the store environment is safe and will not put their confidential data at risk.

Read more: Sales KPIs: know the top 7 and how to use them

Showing these stamps only in the footer is not enough.

It is important to place them on strategic pages, such as the shopping cart and the pages that are part of the check out process.

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10. Have a shopping cart recovery strategy

Did you know that 97.9% of customers have already abandoned a shopping cart?

These data, also from Content Trends 2017, show why it is so important to have a recovery strategy for these clients.

There are several specialized cart recovery programs that can help you increase the conversion rate of your eCommerce.

11. Show customer support channels

As already highlighted, while the person has doubts, it is likely that they will postpone the purchase or even give up on it completely.

To avoid this, there is nothing better than making yourself available to remove all the doubts of the clients.

It presents channels of help, such as online chat, support email, telephone or social networks for the client to ask questions and ask for help if they wish.

Good customer service makes all the difference to bring the customer to feel secure in making the purchase, perhaps even with a larger average ticket.

12. Make use of email marketing and social networks

Email marketing is an excellent weapon to increase conversion in electronic commerce.

It is no coincidence that 58.7% of consumers who participated in Content Trends claimed to have made an email motivated purchase.

In addition, social media is also very important to increase public engagement with the brand and increase sales.

13. Analyze your performance with robust tools

The analysis of metrics and performance indicators cannot be ignored.

In the end, how do you know if the results are improving or what strategy brings the best return without doing that follow-up?

There are very good tools on the market that make this analysis robust, yet simple. Some of the main ones are:

  • Google Analytics ;
  • Mixpanel;
  • CrazyEgg;
  • KISSmetrics.

14. Invest in design

Design goes far beyond aesthetics, how your store looks like.

On the contrary:

Design is directly connected to conversions and can influence your eCommerce conversion rate for better or for worse.


Some design aspects that are relevant to electronic commerce include:

  • contrast of CTA buttons;
  • navigation and product search system;
  • arrangement of the most important information on the pages.

Invest in a design that’s easy to understand and customer-friendly, that takes into account the psychology of colors, and that can attract attention in the opening seconds.

Now that you know exactly how to increase conversion in eCommerce, it’s time to get your hands on the dough and apply each of these tips.

And do not forget:

It is always better to invest in good practices and analyze progress, than to spend a fortune without any planning.

Did you like these practical tips to increase the conversion in your ecommerce ?

Then download our E- Commerce Email Marketing Guide now with everything you need to know to have a successful email strategy!


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