Digital MarketingTechnology

The 5 most common IT problems of SMEs (and solutions!)

Our years of experience have allowed us to observe the IT problems that companies often face in their day to day. Today, we want to share some of the most relevant, as well as solutions and proposals that will help you face them.

If you want to prevent future computer problems in your company, this article interests you!

   1.RAM memory problems

It is one of the most common problems that we can find in our day-to-day work. Suddenly one day our memory tells us that it is full. And now that?

If our computer has problems with the RAM, it may be because we have an excess of programs installed or running, or because of the presence of Trojans that consume resources and of which we are not even aware.

What to do in these cases? Many times it happens that we do not know the number of programs that we have installed on our computer, so the first step will be to identify what is consuming so much memory to prioritize and select. A process of optimization of resources that many times will already free us enough memory to be able to work normally.

If we still have insufficient memory, you can always choose to add more RAM.

  2.Data loss

At digitechwebservises we love talking about backups. Even from copies of copies. The reason for our insistence is that it is one of the problems we see most in companies. The loss of data and information is a very common inconvenience in SMEs, which often decide to act once they have the scare.

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Yes, it is true that there is more and more awareness of everything related to computer security, and we find many cases of companies that contact us to help them recover lost data (of which they had a copy) or to implement systems of security that help protect your information.

In this way, we come to an inexorable conclusion: having copies and a security system is essential to avoid any possible incident.

   3.Computer Viruses and Security Issues

We recently published a curious fact on our Linkedin : more than 6000 computer viruses are created every month. Not having antivirus and firewall installed and updated is almost like leaving the door of our house with the keys in place.

In addition, it must be taken into account that many of the computer problems derived from this issue also come from the lack of updating of the operating systems. Antivirus is no longer enough, but also with updating our systems.

Another of the most common computer threats are hackers: someone manages to access our passwords and get information from us. Having hard-to-hack passwords and changing them from time to time can help us avoid these types of threats. In this sense, we recommend that you do not fall into the temptation of “123456” as a password and that we be a little creative

What to do in the event of a virus or password loss? As part of our technological security services, our technicians will be able to help you recover information or passwords, as well as carry out an audit of the current state of your computer system in order to establish a security protocol adapted 100% to you.

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  4.Not having a centralized computer network

Not having a computer network with centralized data, that is, not having a unified data storage, can cause technological processes to be inefficient. Actions as basic as making or recovering backup copies or sharing resources can get in the way and lead to bigger problems.

If you have doubts about how your computer network is structured, we have an audit service that will allow us to carry out a diagnosis and improvement plan for your technology network. Find more information here .

   5.Lack of updating of computers

Not having our computers updated can lead to countless problems: from computer security risks, until technology works slower or gives us incomprehensible errors.

When your operating system asks you to be updated, we recommend that you do so without taking too long (the option to “remember later” is always a temptation) to avoid any incident. Your IT team will thank you

how can we help you?

If you have found yourself in any of the above situations or want to prevent them from happening, count on us! We have a specialized service for companies that works to make your technological life easier.

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