Digital MarketingHow ToSocial Networks


Being present on the Internet has become a business need. To do this, advertising online will help us increase the presence of our brand on the network. But what exactly is meant by Internet advertising ? How many types of digital advertising are there? What type of ad is right for my company? How can I advertise on social networks ? Throughout the next post we will analyze digital advertising in depth , answering all these questions, which surely will be around your head right now.


Within the digital advertising all those communication techniques and promotion of a brand or company using digital platforms and online tools are included. As we have emphasized on several occasions, one of the benefits of the Internet is that it puts at our disposal an endless number of platforms, channels and above all resources, which when combined together result in online advertising.

Have you ever ‘come across’ an image containing advertising content while you were ‘surfing’ the web? This image, which is called a banner , is one of the most widely used ads in display advertising , which we will not worry about, we will analyze later. Another example with which you are sure to feel very identified is when, before being able to view a video on YouTube, you felt ‘forced’ to preview for a few seconds another video that you did not really plan to watch. Yes, we face another clear example of digital advertising, ads TrueView (ads embedded in YouTube videos).


The Internet offers various platforms that we can use when ‘launching’ our advertising campaigns on the Internet: search engines, web pages, digital media, social networks or video channels are just some of them. The success of any advertising campaign is mainly based on knowing how to identify those suitable formats in relation to the objectives set. From The Social Media Family , online marketing agency we recommend, whenever possible, opt for those formats that are less invasive for consumers. In this way we will prevent users from having a negative view of our brand, in addition to being prevented from achieving our goal by the ‘famous’ digital advertising blockers.

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Although there is a wide variety of types of advertising on the Internet , below we detail the most widely used.


Type of advertising based on relevant content, which should arouse the user’s interest. One of the great attractions of Branded Content is its low advertising ‘appearance’, which makes it a non-intrusive strategy since the content is intended to interact with consumers through an experience, which will serve to enhance the customer relationship -company (and since we are loyalty). Do you want to know the latest trends in Branded Content ?


It is a type of digital advertising based on inserting text ads in search engines, such as in the ‘search engine par excellence’ Google. The SEM ads to be based on the keywords help to improve our position . A user when performing a search through Google (inserting keywords), if our keywords selected for our ad match those inserted by the user… tachán! Our ad will appear before the Internet user.

Promoted links: These are the ones that appear in the first positions of the search results, preceded by the word “Ad”. Over time they have evolved, and they also appear on maps, searches for flights and hotels or restaurants, among others.

Google Shopping: simple but very effective format that appears highlighted at the top of the search results. It usually includes a product image, a headline, a price, and the advertiser’s name.

Advertising campaigns in Google Adwords

The Google search engine is clearly a digital ‘showcase’ for any business thanks to its multiple tools such as Google+, Google Maps, Google My Business and YouTube. Therefore, carrying out promotional actions on Google is more than interesting, right? Learn how to advertise on Google Adwords.


Within the display ads are the well-known banners , images inserted in web pages, which try to attract the attention of the user who enters ‘browsing’ the site .


Video is the format that most attracts the attention of any user, in addition to being the most consumed format. As we have said on some occasion, “if an image is worth more than a thousand words, a video is worth more than a thousand images”. We suggest that if you are thinking about how to carry out a video ad for your company, be aware of what advantages video marketing will bring to your business .

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Social networks have been protagonists on our blog on several occasions: what are the most used social networks , how to manage social networks effectively , or what are the benefits of social networks for any company , are just some of the topics that we have analyzed.

You make social network advertising is a type of online advertising more effective, and that sooner or later any company should do. Next, from The Social Media Family, online marketing agency , we provide you with the keys to carry out promotional actions through various social networks .

How to advertise on Facebook Ads

With its more than two million users, Facebook has become the ideal social media ‘shuttle’ to reach our target . Every day there are more companies that decide to bet on Facebook Ads  and allocate part of their budget to carry out advertising campaigns on Facebook. Find out how to carry out your own campaign through the social network.

Create campaigns on Instagram Ads

Instagram is currently one of the most used social networks in Spain, and in all parts of the world. As of today, Instagram has exceeded the figure of 800 million monthly active users. Surely among that exorbitant number of users is your target ! Learn how to launch advertising campaigns on Instagram .

Twitter Ads, make your own campaign

The social network Twitter has more than 300 million monthly active users. Although there is currently talk of a small ‘stagnation’ do not think that Twitter can no longer do anything for your business. Rather, advertising on Twitter will help you achieve your business goals. How? Find out throughout our Twitter Ads post.

How to carry out advertising on YouTube

Video is the ‘star’ of formats when it comes to generating engagement with the public. As stated by the National Observatory of Telecommunications and the Information Society (ONTSI) in its report ” Use and attitudes of digital content “, YouTube is the most widely used platform when consuming digital content. Learn how to advertise on YouTube !

How to Advertise on Pinterest

Pinterest, considered the ‘inspiration’ social network, has over 175 million monthly active users. This platform is characterized by its great collaborative nature, which will help your Pinterest ads reach your target audience with great efficiency. Follow our advice and make your Pinterest advertising campaigns a success.

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LinkedIn Ads, how to create advertising campaigns on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the professional social network par excellence, more than 500 million professionals are registered in it (one of the clear benefits offered by this social network). In your list of social media strategies , ‘launch’ advertising on LinkedIn must be clearly found.


The remarketing (also known as retargeting ) consists of advertising campaigns with customized ads, which will be aimed at users who have previously visited our website. The remarketing provides the ability to reconnect with that surfer who visited our website but abandoned it without any expected action. The retargeting is possible to carry out through any platform, especially through Facebook Ads and Google Adwords.


Email marketing is a fairly effective way to carry out promotional actions, by sending mass emails to previously established contacts. The email marketing is a type of Internet advertising that is minimally invasive because the user previously agree to receive such campaigns. Email marketing can help other actions such as retargeting or creating personalized audiences. It should be noted that the new General Data Protection Regulation  (RGPD) will influence the way we ‘collect’ our databases.


In conclusion, we wanted to briefly analyze the situation in which the investment in online advertising is. At the international level, according to Magna Global ‘s advertising investment in digital media it has managed to reach 209,000 million in 2017 , surpassing for the first time on television (180,000 million) support star carrying ‘reigning’ the investment landscape advertising several decades. But that is not all, for 2018 it is expected to exceed 237,000 million dollars.

Regarding Spain, throughout 2017, as expressed by IAB, advertising investment in digital media reached 1,565.6 million euros (21.4% more than in 2016), while Zenit Vigía predicts that by 2019 Digital advertising will encompass 41.7% of total spending. What about investing in social networks? The Arce Media i2p report shows how in 2017 investment in social networks in Spain totaled 240.5 million euros (34.4% more than in 2016). For this 2018, a minimum growth of 6% is expected, which if the statistics do not fail, the investment of advertising on social networks may even reach 270 million euros.

We hope that all these statistics encourage you to consider and especially to ‘launch’ yourself to advertise on social networks . If you need additional information, or simply want advice on any topic related to digital marketing , do not hesitate to contact us : we want to be your online marketing agency. If you don’t want to miss a thing, subscribe to our newsletter.

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