Digital Marketing

Lead Generation: What is it, how does it work, techniques?

For a company or business, online presence is the most important thing, because in today’s digital world, it is through the web where information is obtained and where potential customers are. Therefore, everything about lead generation must be very clear : what it is, how it works, techniques .

How is lead generation defined

In basic terms, lead generation can be defined as a system or set of marketing strategies with the idea of ​​getting potential customers or, as the name implies, generating leads.

But what is a lead?

Based on what has been explained previously, this English term can be defined as a sales opportunity or a potential customer.

More specifically, each lead is a person who has developed an interest in the products or services that your company offers .

Leads are classified thanks to the fact that they are those visitors to the company’s website or blog, who have left their contact information in a form on the same page.

How do you generate one?

Generating a lead is a task that summarizes in capturing the attention and interest of the person. This is because, in general, visitors will not come to your page with intention, but by Google searches on a related topic.

So, once someone arrives on your page, you should invite them to leave their information. The most common is using tools such as offers, in which tutorials, audiobooks or the like are offered in exchange for your data. Additionally, it is recommended to use short forms so as not to overwhelm the potential lead.

Read More:  4 simple techniques to get more followers on social networks

The 6 techniques to generate a lead

  • Inbound Marketing – They are non-invasive advertising techniques that aim to offer as much information as possible about your brand or product to the lead.
  • Multimedia content – Use videos or images to attract attention, as well as overlay text that links to a form.
  • Search engine payment campaigns – It consists of requesting the preference in priority of results for a search. For this it is important to use the correct keywords.
  • Organic positioning – It consists of the good design and writing of your content, trying to use keywords that lead to better search results.
  • Advertising on social networks – Promote your brand and your products or services on networks such as Instagram or Facebook.
  • Content Marketing – Offer users the information they want in a convenient way, using guides, free webinars, and more.

What is its use?

As mentioned, lead generation is a way to get potential customers by collecting their contact information. Once you have it, the next step is to turn leads into real customers.

For this, it is necessary to evaluate the database obtained from all the leads to know the profile of each one and, based on this, offer products or services that may interest them.

Mastering advertising and marketing techniques is the only way to get customers to get customers online. 

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