How To

How To lower your Business Natural Gas Bill: 6 Best ways

If your business operations include natural gas consumption on a large scale, the hefty bills for them could be bothersome. According to reports, one-fifth of total energy consumption accounts for commercial buildings in the US. 

Most of this consumption is attributed to cooling, heating, and powering appliances and other equipment. Unfortunately, there are only a few businesses that can save up on their natural gas consumption to cut down their gas bills considerably.

If you are a small or medium business that is jostling with the high gas bills and struggling high to raise your profits by cutting business gas prices, this article is for you.

Here are the 5 best ways to lower your business natural gas bills:

Unplugging equipment

When equipment is not in use, it is essential to switch off this equipment to avoid any unnecessary charges on energy consumption. To ensure maximum efficiency, analyze when a business should unplug the equipment. As this strategy is heavily dependent on your employees, it is essential to train them to undertake the process successfully. 

The best part is, this method of lowering the business of natural gas does not involve any investment.

Change filters and clean air vents

Businesses generally don’t pay attention to air vents on premises unless they are troublesome. As these vents work for years without any cleaning or maintenance, they adversely impact your heating/cooling unit by making them work harder. The two main advantages of cleaning the vent on regular basis are:

  • It cut down the massive repair costs 
  • It cut down the energy consumption units and vents are free from obstruction

If you clean these air vents regularly, it will help in lowering the business natural gas bills.

Undertake an Energy Audit

A detailed assessment on how a business is using the gas and what are how you can make your business energy efficient comprises Energy Audit. Firstly, an overview of energy consumption is undertaken. Once the overview is complete, a site assessment is conducted to understand the various aspects of energy saving.

After analyzing the energy and cost, a detailed report is prepared. The tailor-made solution is suggested by the auditors suiting your business needs and requirements. These audits help in lowering down the gas bills to a large extent.

Energy-saving equipment

If you want to cut down your energy bills in the longer run, considering energy-saving equipment is a good idea. There are various products available in the market which come with a 5-star rating to claim for lesser energy consumption. You may need to invest in energy-saving equipment. 

Once invested, you will reap the benefits of this energy-saving equipment year on year.

Advanced Power Strips

Power strips are used to maximize the outlet capabilities of your business and help in run equipment involved in high gas consumption. But these power strips consume energy even when the equipment is not in use. 

Advanced Power strips are the viable solution to this problem that automatically regulates the energy device. Higher you will be able to control your energy consumption using these advanced power strips, greater shall be the reduction in business natural gas bills.

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